Janssen Therapeutics EDURANT® Virology Mobile Portal
JQuery Mobile
Janssen Therapeutics EDURANT® Virology Mobile Portal
Project designed for Janssen Therapeutics
Project designed for Janssen Therapeutics to run on a wide variety of mobile devices for HIV service providers, including case managers, social workers, treatment educators, and other allied health professionals, offer critical coordination of care and related services for people living with HIV/AIDS and often function as clients primary source of information on a wide variety of general health, disease-specific, and supportive service issues. While HIV service providers are required to meet an incredible diversity of needs from clients every day, they frequently lack support and resources.
Technology for this project included JQuery Mobile, Google Maps API and a custom PHP MVC backend framework.
Home Screen

Home landing page. Included a fixed tab bar at the bottom.
ASO CBO Resource Locator Method Screen

ASO (Accessing Social Services) and CBO (Community Based Organizations) resource locator choices. You could locate those based on your current location, by State or by a Zip Code.
ASO CBO Resource Locator States Popover

This is a screen overlay for selecting a State.
ASO CBO Resource Locator States Results Screen

Dynamically generated screen for a State selection.
Social Services Directory Menu Screen

Menu for selection all the social service topic screens.
Social Services Directory Topic Screen

Example of a Social Services topic screen.
HIV/AIDS Facts Sheet Selector Screen

Fact selection screen that would email PDF versions of the choices selected.
Facts Sheet Screen 1 of 3 parts

Sample Fact Sheet Screen Part 1 of 3.
Facts Sheet Screen 2 of 3 parts

Sample Fact Sheet Screen Part 2 of 3.
Facts Sheet Screen 3 of 3 parts

Sample Fact Sheet Screen Part 3 of 3.