History Projects

Consolidated Food Chain Billing Devonsheer Foods (Melba Toast)

The race against time

The project involved a race against replacing failing Phillips accounting machine. Although the Philips accounting machine was maintained by a local firm, it would fail regularly resulting in downtime until service technicians arrived to revive its failling motors, gears and sprockets.

The system

System allowed Devonsheer to continue current procedures and paper work for delivery of their baking products to multiple locations with multiple jobbers while it also eliminated a manual accounting effort of consolidating the multiple store billing requirements into one statement for chain food retailers like Shoprite.

The space heater component

A key element to the system was training and motivating the system operator. The person who operated the Philips machine for years was designated to operate the new system to be located at her desk. The desk was part of an open office clerical area in a factory type of building. The Philips system was large and was located in an 8 foot by 8 foot room. The person resisted learning the new system despite it being easier to use and more functional for the company. Lon discovered the reason for the resistance being that the office area was generally drafty and occasionally chilly. The room with the Philips machine was warm because the machine generated a lot of heat. Lon presented the issue to management and recommended a space heater for the new location. Management was resistant at first because it involved hiring an electrical contractor for adequate wiring and the possible issue of all other staff wanting the same space heating. Once the space heater was promised, the operator had a change of attitude and learned the new system quickly.