Frustrated finding a good basic Flex 3 video player using the VideoPlayer class and having a HSlider for the scrubber, I decided to make one myself.
I share it with you at Adobe Actionscript Flash Flex Examples.
I tested it with both progressive download and with Flash Media Server 3 at my hosting service Influxis.
It seems to run well. It does auto play each video.
The scrubber bar maintains the play or paused state. So if the video is paused, moving the scrubber bar when released does not start playing the video. Likewise if the video is playing, moving the scrubber bar continues play when the thumb is release.
I designed this not to resize the VideoDisplay when the Application is resized. This is because I wanted to use it for Camtasia screen captures. However adding width and height properties to 100%Â to the VideoDisplay object resize the video playing.
Flex components used include VideoDisplay, DateFormatter, Panel, ControlBar, ComboBox, HSlider, Label, Button, VBox and HBox.