Click on phone to run the simulation and have fun!
- Model–View–Controller OOP Design. The PhoneController class defines all states independent of the UI and UI or UIs may send messages and query the PhoneController class for its needs. Basically the model is resuable from more phone simulations.
- Flash 2.0 OOP
- Full com level package hierarchy.
- Interface AppManager to define five phone applications: Phone, Contacts, PhoneFeatures and CallLog.
- Inheritance used in interface buttons.
- Use of Delegate and EventDispatcher classes
- Attaching XML callbacks to a class.
- Capture and expose as desired MovieClip extended class methods.
- Providing communications between internal phone applications.
- UI code is separate and distinct from application logic.
- All code is external to Flash documents (.fla).
- All text is completed loaded from external XML file allowing user changes and multiple languages.
- Embedded fonts and use of multiple font symbols with TextFormat in dynamic text assignment.
- Model provides sound names by id allowing for multiple language sound files.